Sep 29, 2020
In today's message, Pastor Peggy talks about two pieces of God's armor: feet shod with the Gospel of Peace (providing good footing and good news) and the Shield of Faith (providing confident assurance that God's Word is true). If you're in a rough time right now, learn how to put on the full armor of God and keep...
Sep 22, 2020
Be well-equipped for battle against the powers of darkness in the world by putting on the armor of God. In today's message, Pastor Peggy explains the pieces of weaponry that comprise the armor of God, what attacks they combat, and what the Bible says about how to be dressed for battle.
Sep 14, 2020
The stresses of daily living can put a lot of pressure on relationships, but we can use our faith to endure in love. In today's message, Pastor Peggy teaches four Biblical secrets to lasting love.
Sep 8, 2020
In this message, we learn that uncontrolled anger always has a high cost, but that God's Word teaches us how to manage anger. Let's listen as Pastor Peggy explains five ways to tame your temper.
Sep 1, 2020
The Bible states that love is not conceited and proud, but humble. In this message, Pastor Peggy defines humility; that it's others-centered, not self-centered, and that we can't just talk about love, but have to practice it. Let's listen, and learn ways to put loving others into practice.